Tips & Tricks: 3 Filter Tools to Help Take the Pain Out of Shipping
Filters are a powerful tool that will organize orders for you and help you take the pain out of shipping. If you’re trying to find a few more minutes (or hours) in your day, spending 5 minutes to set up a filter will ultimately save you time so you can ship more faster.
We have three tools that will help you get the most out of Filters:
1. Download our free Filters Guide and don’t miss the “Filter Cookbook” in the back (the cookbook starts at page 37).
2. Watch our Filters webinar in our webinar library.
3. Give us a call. We’re always here to help!
And if you’re entirely new to Filters, here are instructions on how to set up a basic filter. Happy Filtering!
1. Open ShipWorks and navigate to Manage > Filters
2. Select New Filter
3. You will now see an “Add Filter Wizard – Name and Location” box. Type in the Filter’s name in the textbox. We recommend using the store’s type (e.g. eBay, Amazon) or the store’s name (e.g. “Joanie Loves Tchotchkes”). For this example we’re using a store name, “Joanie Loves Tchotchkes”
4. Click Next
5. On the “Add Filter Wizard – Filter Condition”, click the “Add Condition” button (the green plus icon)
6. You will now be asked to create a logical condition. More details about what a logical condition is can be found in the Filters Guide. For this blog post, we’re going to keep things easy and we are going to do a basic filtering by store type.
7. Click on “Order Total” to reveal a drop-down menu, select “Store” and choose “Store Type.”
8. Leave “Equals”, and select your store type from the drop-down menu. The drop-down menu will only show store types that you have already set up in ShipWorks.
9. Click Next
10. You’ll now be on the “Grid Columns” screen. This screen is optional. It allows you to select what is displayed in your filter. If you want to keep the defaults, click “Finish.”
11. Congrats! You have now created a Filter and you’ll see the new filter on the far left side of your screen.
12. If you need to make more filters for all of your store types, you’ll repeat this process.